Hair Loss

Did you know that you lose about fifty to one hundred and twenty hairs a day? That is quite normal! Especially in the fall, your head of hair can become quite thin. Do you want to know how hair loss occurs and what you can do to maintain your full head of hair? Then read on!

What is hair loss?

There are over a hundred thousand hair follicles on your scalp. Every hair that grows from it goes through a cycle, from hair growth to hair loss. On average, it takes about three to five years for a hair to complete this cycle. This is a completely natural process. It is therefore normal to lose about a hundred hairs a day, this does not make your hair less full. Do you lose significantly more hair? Then your hair growth cycle may be disrupted.

What types of hair loss are there?

The following types of hair loss can be distinguished:

  • Male pattern baldnessis one of the most common forms of hair loss. This type of hair loss is often thought of as a hereditary form of baldness. In men, this type of hair loss is mainly on top of the crown and at the temples. You may not expect it, but this form also occurs in women. In women it is limited to thinning the hair on the crown.
  • Diffuse hair loss: with this form you suddenly suffer from severe hair loss. Initially, it is often difficult to determine the exact cause. It is therefore important to consult your doctor so that you can find the trigger.
  • Patchy Hair Loss: You can see this shape most often on the hairy area of ​​your head. But in theory, patchy hair loss can occur on any hairy part of your body. Fortunately, in most cases, hair growth returns on its own within two years. If this is not the case, it is best to consult your doctor.
  • Hormonal hair loss: a change in the hormone balance can also cause hair loss. For example, it sometimes happens that you suffer from hair loss during the transition or just after delivery.

What are the causes of hair loss?

As we said earlier, hair loss is a natural process. Yet one has more to do with it than the other. There are many different factors that influence the growth of your hair. We have listed a number of causes for you:

  • Heredity. Often hair loss occurs in families and you cannot do anything about it. This form of hair loss is also called androgenic alopecia.
  • Old age. As you age, your hair doesn’t grow as long and becomes weaker and thinner.
  • Hormonal fluctuations. If you are pregnant or in transition , you may experience hair loss. Hormone changes in fact affect the hair growth cycle.
  • Stress. Also, stress  can disrupt your hormone balance. This disturbance can lead to hair loss.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle. You can think of poor nutrition (through a strict diet) or too little exercise.
  • Hairstyles or head covering. A tight bun or braid, hair extensions and head covering can cause too much tension on your hair.
  • Chemotherapy. You can lose a lot of hair in a short time due to chemotherapy.
  • Diseases, infections or conditions. Think of fungal infections, thyroid disorders or an iron deficiency.

Do you suddenly suffer from bald spots? Then this may indicate the hair disease: alopecia areata. In that case, consult your doctor.…